Friday, January 13, 2012

Long Time Since Posting...

Like the title says, it has been a long time since I have posted. Quite a bit has happened since then. I flew to Kiana with the Middle School Volleyball Team and spent 3 night there playing games. We came in last (4th) but the girls improved much during the time there. The village is beautiful. I wouldn't mind if I got transferred there...only because of the scenery. It was amazing. That was the beginning of November. One our flight back from Kiana we saw a herd of Caribou....well over 300...on their migration to their wintering grounds. I wish I would have had my camera with! I also with I could have hunted because 5 Caribou would have feed myself, and many others, for quite a while. But next year will have to do. The rest of November was pretty quiet until Basketball started at the end of the month. The boys and girls that wanted to play had to pull up their grades...but that waited til the end of December, of course. When December rolled around, the light was fading quite fast. The funny thing is that you lost light in the morning it seemed. I haven't felt any of the S.A.D. that some people feel. I like the dark til 12:30 p.m. It allows me to sleep in on the weekends! In March, the light will start fading around 11:00 p.m. Now that is not what I look forward to because it will be a living nightmare trying to sleep. I also bought a snowmobile. I love it! It was a great purchase. It took a while to get here though. Too long. It was suck in Kotz during the "storm of the century" and the planes were backlogged so I had to wait. It is not as bad as my friend Sam's. Her's seemed to take over a month to get here, and when it did, the mechanics forgot to attach the fan causing it to overheat. She is not happy, to say the least. I haven't completely broken it in yet. That is due to the fact that it is AGAIN still sitting in Kotz. On the Friday I was going to fly out to leave for break, a blizzard came in so the planes weren't flying. SO I followed Darren and Nikki into Kotz. When I got back from break it was WAY too cold for me to ride back with the gear that I had. So finally tomorrow I will be flying into Kotz after our in-service to pick it up and ride back with another teacher, Ruth, to her homestead. We'll spend the night there and come back here on Sunday. I am looking forward to this trip. I am just hoping the weather stays nice. Today in school, there was a Moose and her calf right outside the building about 15 yards away. Then, later in the day, they came back and the calf being harassed by some dogs. It was fun to watch the dogs get charged and run away thinking it was a game. The mother was nowhere to be seen...I think if she were, the dogs would not be alive at the moment.

The mountains in Kiana

Sunrise at 11:30 a.m. from Angie's window

Sunrise at 11:30 a.m. from Angie's window

Tommy (left) and Elmer (right) cleaning the fish tank

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